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ILO without Profiler/SLA Manager - Webinar 6/21/07

Is the Hotsos ILO trace information useful even if you do not have the Hotsos Profiler or SLA Manager?
Becky Goodman Send private email
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Oh yes. Two parts to this question: Profiler, and SLA Manager. I'll take them one at a time.

Profiler - I certainly wouldn't recommend using anything but the Hotsos Profiler to make sense out of an Oracle extended SQL trace file, because I think it gives you the best overall diagnostic performance of anything out there. By "performance" I mean the time it takes YOU to figure out exactly why your code is spending your time the way it is.

But a trace file activated by ILO is a trace file like any other. Well, actually, it's a little bit better than other trace files, because (a) the file will be properly scoped (which is difficult to do without ILO--see pp48-53 of our "Optimizing Oracle Performance" book for an example), and (b) the trace file will be annotated with additional Oracle timestamps and comment lines that will help you actually "sub-scope" the data if you want to. ...That is, with an ILO-activated trace file, you can see in more detail exactly which trace lines map to which business tasks (or subtasks, etc.).

SLQ Manager - It's up to you to decide what to do with the response time data ("R data") that ILO collects. The open source ILO code is shipped with a null-body procedure called ILO_TIMER. This is where you would insert your own code to persist the R data that ILO collects, if you want to. You can write it to a database, to a file, ...whatever you like.

Our SLA Manager product (which we sell) comes with its own ILO_TIMER package, which persists the R data to our Hotsos P5 database repository. We're happy for you to see and use our SLA Manager API, so you can have that ILO_TIMER package code for free if you want it, by writing support at Note that our ILO_TIMER package is not LGPL; it's governed by a Hotsos software license.
Cary Millsap Send private email
Thursday, June 21, 2007

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